The Phoenix Theatre presents the Indianapolis premier of “Black Gold.” The show celebrated its world premiered in Philadelphia earlier this year. This black comedy takes a look at a Detroit man, who is struggling to support his family. He decides to purchase an oil rig on eBay and strikes it rich in his backyard. The events that follow throw both his neighborhood and the wider world into chaos. The play deals with real issues; racism, political upheaval, America’s dependence on oil. No one is safe from the show’s mockery, including Osama Bin Laden. The cast consists of six actors who play more than 80 roles. There is no intermission and the lightning quick dialogue keeps audience members on their toes. With so many costume and attitude changes the show hinges upon the actors’ ability to work well together and make the audience believe that the plot is plausible. Though there are plenty of opportunities to laugh, the show packs an unexpected poignant punch. It raises the important and o...
Midwest theater reviews, everything from Broadway musicals to Shakespeare.