"The Color Purple," presented by Broadway Across America, is on stage now at Clowes Memorial Hall. Based on the Pulitzer-Prize-winning book of the same name, the musical's central character is a subservient, sweet-natured girl named Celie. Celie's story is one of heartache and pain. She is beaten, raped and mistreated by all of the men in her life from a young age. The few people in her life whom she loves, her sister Nettie, her two children and a woman named Shug, are all taken from her at some point. She's lived under the oppressive thumb of her husband since she was only 14. Yet somehow, despite the unimaginable sorrows the characters face, this story exudes hope and love. "The Color Purple" is truly about Celie finding her footing in a harsh world. Celie is played by Kenita R. Miller, whose small stature disguises a vocal powerhouse. Miller is the perfect choice for the role and her solo numbers are breathtaking. The production's supporting cast...
Midwest theater reviews, everything from Broadway musicals to Shakespeare.