Tick, Tick...BOOM! is the incredibly personal musical from Jonathan Larson, the creator of RENT. This 90-minute musical tells the story of Jon (Patrick Dinnsen) as he approaches his 30th birthday. He’s wondering if a career in the arts is a lost cause. The show is all the more profound because of his real-life untimely death just before his 36th birthday. There are just three actors plus a live band on the stage's second level. The musicians' excellent performances sometimes overwhelm the vocals, but it gives it a great rock ‘n’ roll feel. Some of the quiet songs hit deeper because of the clarity of each carefully crafted lyric, brimming with angst and ambition. Emily Ristine Holloway‘s direction keeps things moving with a revolving door of characters played by the talented three actors. She lovingly choreographs the show so there is rollicking fun that slides easily into poignant numbers. The set, designed by Zac Hunter, is gritty and perfectly NYC in the '90s. There’s a...
Midwest theater reviews, everything from Broadway musicals to Shakespeare.