In the 1950s the world was introduced to "My Fair Lady," an Alan Lerner and Frederick Lowe musical filled with what are now, well-known ballads. The original Broadway production later became an Oscar-award winning feature film starring Audrey Hepburn and Rex Harrison.
Broadway Across America's production is now onstage at Clowes Memorial Hall. The show, straight from its U.K tour, features beautiful costumes, lush sets and stellar performances.
The classic tale begins in the gutter with a simple flower girl, Eliza Doolittle, who butcher's the English language every time she opens her mouth. Audiences watch as the girl becomes a lady, both in speech and actions.
The talented Lisa O'Hare is Eliza. Her performance is stunning and her voice is unstoppable. Every dropped H is heaven as she bemoans the evil 'enry 'iggins.
Christopher Cazenove plays Higgins, Eliza's instructor, a confirmed bachelor and callous curmudgeon. He captures the spirit of Harrison's performance with his every inflection, while at the same time bringing his own charm to the role.
The two main characters antogonize each other with every breath they take, but in between their banter a few side characters manage to get in some outstanding performances; namely Freddy, Alfred P. Doolittle, Mrs. Higgins and Colonel Pickering.
The timeless tale is an undeniable treat. Fifty years after its debut it remains sublime.
The show runs until Sunday, March 9 at Clowes Memorial Hall so hurry to get tickets to the show. Tickets are range in price from $22 to $67 and can be purchased at Clowes Memorial Hall, The Murat Theatre, by calling (317) 239-1000 or online at
Shows begin at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, 8 p.m. Friday, 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. Saturday and 1 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. Sunday.
*Photo Courtesy of Broadway Across America