The Indiana Repertory Theatre's new Christmas show is a one man rendition of "It's a Wonderful Life." The initial concept sounds odd, but in the hands of actor Jerry Richardson it's delightful. It enhances the original classic film, while at the same time standing on its own as a great performance. Richardson provides the narration and plays all of the characters. He adds humor with his energetic portrayal of everyone from the evil Mr. Potter to the coquettish Violet. He is able to channel Jimmy Stewart in a way that's almost spooky. The well-known story is interspersed with commentary and is at times hilarious and at others, heartbreaking. Unlike most Christmas stories, there is no Santa Claus and no ghosts of Christmas present of past. The plot focuses on one man's simple life and his struggles. George Bailey is just a good man who has come to the end of his rope and feels lost. It's a feeling that most people can identify with. Because of this, the ...
Midwest theater reviews, everything from Broadway musicals to Shakespeare.